The Planning and Policy Analysis Departments / Units were established across Government Ministries in 1998 after a comprehensive restructuring exercise undertaken by Ministry of Public Service. However, it was until year 2016 that this department was formally created in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The department plays a supportive role to other departments and is the lead department responsible for sector planning, budgeting, project formulation, research, Coordination of policy analysis and Policy development, monitoring and evaluation in support of other departments/directorates and agencies under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Strategic Objectives of PPAD
Overall Objective
The overall objective of the Department is to provide support to the Ministry and its affiliated agencies in matters of Planning, Budget Policy and Policy Analysis to effectively and efficiency deliver Public Services in consonance with the National Policies and Comprehensive Planning Framework.
The Policy Analysis Unit is expected to undertake policy research /studies, analysis, formulation, development, monitoring and evaluation of public policies with a view to providing policy advice for desirable policy changes.
The specific objectives are: -
- To provide technical guidance to the Ministry in the development, implementation and reporting on the Ministry’s policies, projects and programmes;
- To have the Ministry and its allied agencies’ budgets and performance plans harmonized with the national priorities in the NDP and the Ruling Party’s Manifesto;
- To cascade and consolidate the Programme Wide Approach to planning (PWAP) in the Ministry;
- To facilitation Results Orientation in Ministry’s Plans, Implementation /Service Delivery and Reporting through adoption of Programme Based Budget (PBB) using Programme Budgeting System (PBS)
- To undertake policy research, analysis, formulation, development, monitoring and evaluation of public policies with a view to providing policy advice for desirable policy changes.
Planning and Budgeting Function
- Act as liaison office and advisor of the Permanent Secretary; and Accounting Officer; and other stakeholders, in matters of Planning and Budget Policy;
- Organize and coordinate strategic planning processes in the Ministry, sub sector and sector levels;
- Promote collaboration linkages with the National Planning Authority (NPA) and ensure Conformity of the Ministry’s plans with the National Development Plan (NDP);
- Ensure that the Ministry prepares detailed project proposals/programs for consideration by the Government and Donor Agencies in collaboration with the directorates and other technical departments;
- Carry out socio-economic research studies that is, to collect, compile, and synthesize statistical data, generate and disseminate information on the Ministry and its allied agencies;
- Monitor and evaluate programmes /projects and their performance to keep track of their relevance, efficiency and effectiveness;
- Coordinate and collaborate with all other stakeholders to ensure that the Ministry’s policies, projects and programmes comply with the National Policy and Planning Frameworks such as the NDP; the Ruling Party Manifesto and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
- Provide guidelines /support to Local Governments’ Budget Framework Paper (LGBFP) development process and other processes of development as and when need arises;
- Coordinate the preparation of the Ministry, sub sector Budget Framework Papers (BFPs) including collaboration with other JLOS institutions to prepare the Sector BFPs;
- Coordinate the production of periodic sectoral performance reports and other relevant reports as per the guidelines of NPA;
- Develop and disseminate sector statistical information;
Policy Analysis Function
- Monitor and evaluate the efficacy of government policy decisions, existing legislation, and project/program interventions;
- Provide evidenced based information on the likely consequences of both the existing and proposed public policies;
- Provision of policy advice to top management, for effective policy decision making;
- Provision of technical support to Government institutions in the Public Policy formulation process;
- Initiation of focused and rigorous policy researches and studies and provision of evidence-based policy advice for the optimal use of public resources;
- Development and dissemination of standards, procedures and guidelines for better policy formulation processes in Government Institutions; and
- Monitoring and evaluation of the performance of existing policies to make recommendations for improved public service delivery.
The key outputs for the department among others include the following:
- Strategic /Development Plans for the Ministry and its agencies developed;
- Projects Preparation Committee activities coordinated and Project Proposals developed and ensure their implementation as per Development Committee Guidelines;
- Monitoring and evaluation reports for Ministry’s policies, projects and programmes;
- Ministry and sub sector budgets (BFPs, MPSs, Detailed Budget Estimates) prepared in a consultative and participatory manner and in accordance with PFMA 2015, NDP & other frameworks;
- Funds Expenditure Limits Allocation Process & projections coordinated through Ministry’s Finance Committee;
- Periodic Performance plans and reports compiled and submitted to respective authorities;
- Reports on responses to issues on BFPs raised by the Parliamentary Committee on Defence & Internal Affairs prepared & submitted to Parliament;
- Report to PACOB and responses to issues on raised produced;
- Ministry / Sector statistical information collated & documented;
- Policy Research /Study Reports & Cabinet Returns undertaken;
- Ministry’s Annual and / or Medium Term Legislative Programmes prepared;
- Ministry’s Policy Agenda Prepared;
- An inventory of Ministry Polices and Laws produced;
- Preparation of Cabinet and Information Papers coordinated and
- Responses and technical advice on planning, budget and policy related issues drafted / tendered for consideration by Management